Four students of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi were killed and two were injured in a road accident near Jaisalmer in Rajasthan on Sunday. The two are stable and out of danger. The incident took place near Jaisalmer, when the Innova in which they were travelling, overturned. All the four students were final year students. They were on a road trip to Rajasthan to celebrate their placements. While three of them were from Delhi, the others were from Jharkhand. "It is a very unfortunate incident. The boys had gone to Jaisalmer on a trip. They were a little away from the city when the taxi (Innova) they were travelling in met with an accident," said an IIT-Delhi spokesperson.
Arrangements are being made to bring the bodies of the students to Delhi latest by 2 pm on Monday. The parents have been informed and the ones from Jharkhand are supposed to reach by Monday as well. This is very unfortunate loss for the parents, institution as well as the country. The Innova driver and two students - a girl and a boy were being treated at MDM hospital in Jodhpur