Students of Rajasthan University on Friday clashed with police during their protests against them outside the varsity campus. The police resorted to using mild force to prevent students from blocking the road as they pelted stones at policemen. One student attempted self-immolation in which four students were injured. During the protest, some students poured petrol on themselves and tried
self-immolation. Students and policemen present there somehow managed to
stop them. Angry students then started pelting stones forcing. Police
resort to lathicharge to disperse the gathering. Policemen present there
did not spare girls and thrashed them. Some students, including girls,
were injured in the lathicharge.
Earlier a single judge bench of Rajasthan High Court quashed the election of Rajasthan University held in August this year holding that the moral code of conduct was flouted. Justice M N Bhandari said that the code of conduct fixed by the Lyngdoh committee has not been followed in the elections. The code of conduct strictly states that no candidate shall use any poster, banner or any printed material for campaigning but contrary to this, every candidate has defied the rule, the judge said.