BJP MP and Jat leader Gyan Prakash Pilania has advised party general secretary Gopinath Munde to concentrate on strategic planning to ensure that the Jat community stick to the party. he also hinted that the Jats have drifted towards Congress. If the biggest farming community still supports BJP, it might win the elections. The Jats have still not forgotten that chief minister Vasundhara Raje is a Jat ‘bahu’ and required the community’s support and patronage, he added.
The Jat leader, however, warned that the Jats may not support BJP in very large numbers and those who would still support the party would do so on a case to caste basis. So the party would have to draw up new strategies to keep the Jat votes intact, he added. Pilania, who played a key role in the 2003 Assembly election by asking his community to support BJP, admitted that the anti-incumbency factor would also work against the party, hence it should highlight the developmental works undertaken by the BJP government.
“It was a heart-to-heart talk where an experienced leader like Munde wanted to know my views on the election prospects and of the Jat community’s support and I did not mince words while explaining to him the current political scenario,” said Pilania.
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