Telecom Minister A Raja, who has retained the portfolio he held in the previous UPA government, said bringing down mobile tariffs to 10 paise a minute for local calls and 25 paise a minute for STD calls would be on top of his agenda during his second tenure. The new policy envisions mobile tariffs coming down to a tenth of their current rates to 10 paise per minute for local calls and 25 paise per minute for STD calls within the next 24 months. At present, the average tariff is about Re 1 and 2.40 per minute for local and STD calls respectively.
"As per the plan, the Department of Telecom will implement policy decisions first - providing the requisite spectrum to existing operators, carrying out the auction of 3G spectrum, introduction of number portability, giving licenses to new players to enhance competition and promoting large-scale infrastructure sharing - all within the next couple of months. It will help reduce operating costs of telecommunication companies (telecos) and kick-off price wars," explained another official.
It is expected that BSNL will first provide telephone service on this call and that will put a pressure on other telecom operator, so wait and see the changes. It is expected that BSNL will soon announce reduced call rates.
It is expected that BSNL will first provide telephone service on this call and that will put a pressure on other telecom operator, so wait and see the changes. It is expected that BSNL will soon announce reduced call rates.
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