Shah rukh khan's KKR team is loosing continues. This year also KKR becomes worst performer. KKR Top the bottom of point table in IPL Season 2. KKR has won once in seven matches and for the last two weeks has seen a strom on the internet by a fake IPL player blogger. The publisher at FAKE BLOG, claims to be part of the KKR squad and has been a huge irritant to owner Shah Rukh Khan, Bollywood star and Kolkata's owner, who has been nicknamed 'Vinnie Dildo'. The blogger has posted many post by using nicknames for players while revealing subjects from secret team meetings to tension-filled nights out. Skipper Saurav Ganguly has been labelled "Lordie" while other IPL stars such as Sachin Tendulkar have been referred to as "Little Monster" and Yuvraj Singh as "Prince Charles of Patiala".
However, the blogs have clearly caused a rift in the team dressing-room as Fake IPL player has grown in popularity, while Google Trends reported a massive surge in hits for the website. Now posing on this blog is stopped as last posting was on 22nd April 2009. The publicity of this blog can be measured by this blog's follower which is around 4600, that is beyond immagination. This blogger seem's to be captured as there is no post on this blog recently and some sources claims that this blogger is captured and they do not want to publish his name and create more publicity.
However, the blogs have clearly caused a rift in the team dressing-room as Fake IPL player has grown in popularity, while Google Trends reported a massive surge in hits for the website. Now posing on this blog is stopped as last posting was on 22nd April 2009. The publicity of this blog can be measured by this blog's follower which is around 4600, that is beyond immagination. This blogger seem's to be captured as there is no post on this blog recently and some sources claims that this blogger is captured and they do not want to publish his name and create more publicity.
we are still hoping that name of fake IPL Player from KKR will be revieled if he is a team member or any staff from KKR Team, if he was a fake blogger from outside team than name should be revieled after IPL.
It may be akash chopra...not he is not in team anymore
ReplyDeleteno advertising more cricketing
ReplyDeletevery impressive the kolkata knight rider was worst is the worst team and remember my words taht it will continue to be the worst team.....till saurav and shahruk's name is with them.............. bad luck for KKR...they are already out of IPL