Minister of state Sachin Pilot’s first visit to his constituency Ajmer was greeted with bitter party factionalism on Saturday when a group of Congress workers thrashed parliamentary secretary Brahmdeo Kumawat at a function and the police resorted to mild lathicharge to disperse the warring groups. Most of the people who had gathered to cheer Sachin Pilot, fled the scene when a fight started between supporters of Ram Chandra Choudhary and Bhramdev Kumawat. Both groups blamed each other for fighting. The function was organised to welcome Mr Sachin Pilot at Krishi Mandi in Vijay Nagar, which falls under the Ajmer parliamentary constituency. The function turned into a battlefield between two groups headed by Congress leader Ramchandra Choudhary and Mr Brahmdev Kumawat’s supporters.
A fist fight broke out between two groups and Mr Kumawat was pushed from the stage. Mr Kumawat was forced to run for his life. The incident occurred in presence of Mr Sachin Pilot. He said that government has realized that problem is not with the programmes which are prepared to help the people. "The issue is in the implementation of these programmes, as they do not reach the needy," said Pilot. Talking about the local issues, Pilot said, "During my visit to the rural areas, I have come across the problems faced by the people and I am determined to solve them." Mr Kumawat told mediapersons that it was Congress leader Ramchandra Choudhary and his supporters who created problem and he was beaten. Mr Choudhary, however, denied the allegation and blamed Mr Kumawat by saying that it was it was a Congress party function and he wasn’t welcome. "Our workers stopped him from interfering but Mr Kumawat manhandled our workers. I will report it to the police," Mr Choudhary said.
Old Issue: Mr Kumawat won the Assembly election from Masooda constituency under Ajmer district as an Independent and declared his unconditional support to the Congress in forming the government. Mr Choudhary had contested the Assembly election against Mr Kumawat but lost in the fight. Ramswaroop choudhary is chairman of Ajmer Dairy he won election by snatching seat from late Govind Singh Gurjar supporters and gurjar support Kumawat in election 2009 so fight still continue..
Old Issue: Mr Kumawat won the Assembly election from Masooda constituency under Ajmer district as an Independent and declared his unconditional support to the Congress in forming the government. Mr Choudhary had contested the Assembly election against Mr Kumawat but lost in the fight. Ramswaroop choudhary is chairman of Ajmer Dairy he won election by snatching seat from late Govind Singh Gurjar supporters and gurjar support Kumawat in election 2009 so fight still continue..
A good article, I just don't understand why the illmannered people like Brahamdev get into functions in which they are not ivited at very first place, it was very obvious the way mob thrashed him out! I also got to know that he misbehaved with a lady very badly who opposed his presence in the function. now what kind of behaviour is that ??? What a shame!
ReplyDeleteBrahmdev deserve this... not a big issue.. some newspaper said that he was beaten.. is it true.