MiG-21 known as "Udata Taboot" crash third time in a month. The third crash happen yesterday near Jodhpur in western Rajasthan. MiG -21 Bison crashed in Modi Joshian village, about 40 km from Jodhpur on 27 May. Air Commodore S C Deo, who was piloting the aircraft, ejected on time but fell on a ‘Khejri’ tree and was safely brought down by villagers.
On May 15, a MiG-27 had crashed in Jodhpur immediately after getting airborne, leaving six villagers, including two children injured. Earlier, on April 30, the IAF’s latest acquisition, a Sukhoi-30 MK-1, had crashed in Pokhran, killing one of its pilots. The MiG-21 took off from Jodhpur air base and crashed in an uninhabited area of Modi Joshian village at 12.05 pm. The pilot escaped unhurt and there was no injury to any person or damage to property.
Like the May 15 crash of the MiG-27, this plane too was on a routine sortie and crashed barely 15 km away from the site where the former crashed. But unlike the MiG-27, which had split into pieces and its debris spread over an area of 2 km, the MiG-21 was reduced to metal pieces at the very place it fell.
Like the May 15 crash of the MiG-27, this plane too was on a routine sortie and crashed barely 15 km away from the site where the former crashed. But unlike the MiG-27, which had split into pieces and its debris spread over an area of 2 km, the MiG-21 was reduced to metal pieces at the very place it fell.
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