“Slumdog Millionaire” was proof enough of British filmmaker Danny Boyle’s love for India and Mumbai. But the filmmaker hasn’t had enough of the city or this country. Boyle told reporters on Wednesday he would love to make more films in India and was in fact in talks with filmmakers Anurag Kashyap and Shekhar Kapur. He didn’t give any details but he did mention how much he loved working in Mumbai. “Slumdog” producer Christian Colson was a little more forthcoming, saying a couple of projects were being discussed and Boyle was keen to direct them.
This is not the first time the British filmmaker has talked about making a film in India. In January, Boyle told a press conference in Mumbai he was keen to make a thriller in the city, because he felt its geography would lend itself very well to the subject. I fear Boyle may not find making a film in Mumbai as easy this time around. During the making of “Slumdog Millionaire”, hardly anyone knew he was in the city let alone that he was making a film. “Trainspotting” was a film very few people in India had seen and the record eight Oscar wins hadn’t happened.
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