Vinod Kambli Tuesday denied making any remarks against Sachin Tendulkar after a media report claimed the former cricketer had, in a reality show, accused his childhood friend of letting him down when he was going through a rough patch in his career. Kambli also said he did not say anything against the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI). "I have not said anything against Sachin or BCCI. When you watch the show you will see what I have said," Kambli told reporters here. "Sachin is a very close friend and he knows that Vinod can never say such things. My family is shattered and so is his. I can understand what Sachin must have gone through if he has come to know of it. I can never say anything like this against him," Kambli said.
While in recent controversy a media report said that on a TV show that goes on air this week Kambli said that "Tendulkar did not lend a helping hand during my downward spiral." It also quoted the left-hander as reportedly saying: "I always felt discriminated against by the cricket board because of my caste and colour." This tv show "Sach ka samna" will start on Star Plus from 15 July 2009.
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