The Rajasthan Cricket Association (RCA) split into two on Sunday, with a dissident group holding a meeting to "sack" RCA president Sanjay Dixit. The rebels, led by chairman Subhash Joshi, met for a scheduled annual general body meeting despite Dixit calling it off, and passed a resolution to dismiss the president. They also selected office bearers and decided to hold elections on October 14. The faction, which has links with ex-RCA chief Lalit Modi, claimed the support of 20 of the 33 district units. But the Dixit faction held an executive meeting at the RCA office, which declared the rebel meet illegal and dismissed Joshi as chairman. They also said Dixit would represent the RCA at a BCCI meet on September 24.
Now it is expected that a new raw may rise in the RCA after Modi-Dixit raw last yaer. It is expected that we can see some split on Friday when it will come that who represents the RCA at the BCCI meet.
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