The first match of the seven-ODI series between Australia and India has been shifted from the Sawai Man Singh Stadium in Jaipur to the Reliance Stadium in Vadodara. The move, announced during the BCCI AGM on Thursday, was prompted by the current power struggle within the Rajasthan Cricket Association (RCA). "We have shifted the first ODI from Jaipur to Vadodara," BCCI president Shashank Manohar said at the board's AGM in Mumbai. A controversy had arisen over control of the RCA with a group backed by Lalit Modi claiming on Sunday to have removed the incumbent, Sanjay Dixit, through a no-confidence motion. Dixit - who defeated Modi in the election earlier this year - called the move unconstitutional and said he was still in charge. Interestingly, the last ODI at the Reliance Stadium involved the same teams in October 2007. The series kicks off on October 25 and will run through till November 11.
The Rajasthan players are reportedly irked by the state of affairs and the Cricket Players Association of Rajasthan (CPAR) have demand the state government's intervention to sort out the issues. "Both the factions of the RCA were invited to the AGM. This action sends out a wrong signal, that both parties have been recognised by the board," Shamsher Singh, the CPAR secretary, told the Hindustan Times. "It leaves the players in the lurch." "We are pessimistic about the elections as we think the issue might get stuck in court. So we have decided to meet Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot to set up an ad hoc body. The state government has the power to intervene as the RCA is governed by the Sports Act of the government of Rajasthan."