Bollywood’s hot couple Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan must be having a blast of a time in Udaipur today. Saif-Kareena are in the city of lakes to celebrate Bebo’s 29th birthday and also the festival of Eid. When the couple arrived here on Saturday, their admirers could be seen waiting eagerly at the Maharana Pratap Airport in Udaipur. The eager crowd got too excited, much to the discomfort of the security personnel of the actors. While Kareena looked classy in a black sleeveless top and large shades, Saif sported a white kurta with a trendy blue scarf on his head.
A source revealed that Saif-Kareena have basically come to the city to participate in a Kingfisher magazine photo session. However, the couple has been maintaining a low profile on who all are there in their guess list for the special celebration. Well, as long as loving beau Saif is with Kareena on her special day, guess she would prefer not to be disturbed by anyone!
A source revealed that Saif-Kareena have basically come to the city to participate in a Kingfisher magazine photo session. However, the couple has been maintaining a low profile on who all are there in their guess list for the special celebration. Well, as long as loving beau Saif is with Kareena on her special day, guess she would prefer not to be disturbed by anyone!
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