Former Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president M Venkaiah Naidu said on Thursday that, the party may not contest the 2014 Lok Sabha elections under the leadership of L K Advani. In an interview to a private news channel, Naidu however maintained silence over the possible leader who can lead the party five years down the line. He also agreed that it would be logical for the party to get a new leadership at that juncture. Naidu also hinted that, Advani might not contest the next general elections and said that the change of guard would take place a couple of years before the polls.
Naidu, who is representing Karnataka in the Rajya Sabha, said Advani had been chosen as the Leader of Opposition by party for the 15th Lok Sabha and it was for him to decide when to step down and added that it's for Advani to choose to whom he has to hand over the guard. He also defended the party's decision to continue Advani as head of the BJP parliamentary party, though the latter was reluctant to accept and had to be persuaded.
Naidu, who is representing Karnataka in the Rajya Sabha, said Advani had been chosen as the Leader of Opposition by party for the 15th Lok Sabha and it was for him to decide when to step down and added that it's for Advani to choose to whom he has to hand over the guard. He also defended the party's decision to continue Advani as head of the BJP parliamentary party, though the latter was reluctant to accept and had to be persuaded.
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