Apple CEO Steve Jobs has unveiled the iPad, a tablet-style computer that resembles the iPhone, but larger. "It's so much more intimate than a laptop and so much more capable than a smart phone," Jobs said on Wednesday at the device's highly anticipated debut in San Francisco. Jobs demonstrated how the iPad is used for surfing the web with Apple's Safari browser. He typed an e-mail using an on-screen keyboard and flipped through photo albums by flicking his finger across the screen. The CEO says the iPad will also be better for reading books, playing games and watching video than either a laptop or a smart phone.
Features of Apple iPad:
The iPad is half an inch thick (1.3-cm)
Weight 0.7 kilograms
Flash Memory 16- 32- or 64-gigabytes.
Battery life 10 hour
Apple iPad Price in India = 25000- 30000 Rs
Features of Apple iPad:
The iPad is half an inch thick (1.3-cm)
Weight 0.7 kilograms
Flash Memory 16- 32- or 64-gigabytes.
Battery life 10 hour
Apple iPad Price in India = 25000- 30000 Rs
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