BMIT Fiesta 2010 by BMIT Jaipur

Baldev Ram Mirdha Institute of Technology (BMIT), Jaipur started its annual tech fest 'BMIT Fiesta 2010'. BMIT Fiesta is the annual techno-cultural festival of BMIT Jaipur. It is organized by SAC (Student Activity Center), the student council of the college. In this fest there are both technical and cultural events. It's just the time when student expose their talent before everyone. Presently we are conducting around 21 events with Robotics being one of the major attractions this year. BMIT FIESTA is a national level youth college fest with teams participating from all the major engineering institutions from all over the country. The atmosphere at the fest is filled with the amazing enthusiasm. The fest is acknowledged by guests and students. The prizes worth more than Rs. 1.5 lacs are distributed to the winners of various events.

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BMIT Fiesta 2010


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