Rajasthan Energy Minister Jitendra Singh on Thursday said the State Government had sanctioned two new power projects in the public sector and three in private sector in 2009 with the target to produce 4,280 MW power and had so far spent Rs.56.92 crore on the ventures in the public sector. In his written reply to a question by two members in the State Assembly, Mr. Singh said the land for the public sector projects at Chhabra and Suratgarh had been acquired and a proposal sent for coal linkage to the Union Coal Ministry. Tenders have also been invited for the projects.
For the three projects planned at Banswara, Giral and Gudha in the private sector, the process for land acquisition is underway. Mr. Singh said enough lignite was available for Giral and Gudha, while the Coal Ministry had been formally approached for allocation of coal for the Banswara project. The Minister pointed out that the State Government had sanctioned in principle six projects of 4,780 MW for execution during the 12th Five Year Plan to meet the rising demand for electricity in future. Mr. Singh said the State Government had also spent Rs.158.01 crore till the previous month for construction of new 33 KV Grid sub-stations in villages with a view to strengthening the power infrastructure in the rural areas.
For the three projects planned at Banswara, Giral and Gudha in the private sector, the process for land acquisition is underway. Mr. Singh said enough lignite was available for Giral and Gudha, while the Coal Ministry had been formally approached for allocation of coal for the Banswara project. The Minister pointed out that the State Government had sanctioned in principle six projects of 4,780 MW for execution during the 12th Five Year Plan to meet the rising demand for electricity in future. Mr. Singh said the State Government had also spent Rs.158.01 crore till the previous month for construction of new 33 KV Grid sub-stations in villages with a view to strengthening the power infrastructure in the rural areas.
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