India's tennis player, Sania Mirza is to be married to Shoaib Malik, the former cricket captain of Pakistan. A formal wedding reception has been scheduled within a month. There will be no engagement function. This news was confirmed by Imran Mirza, father of Sania, late on Monday night. “The couple will be based in Dubai, where Shoaib is a resident, and Sania will continue to play tennis once she recovers fully from the wrist injury that has marred her career in the recent past,” Imran said. Sania's mother, Nasima said, "Marriages are made in heaven."
The bride-to-be on her part termed it as ‘the biggest day of her life.’ “I have been under constant glare of the public for too long and would appreciate more privacy at this very personal moment in my life,” Sania said. “I hope to be fully fit to represent India in the Commonwealth and Asian Games that are scheduled for later this year,” she added. Confirming the news, Malik wrote in his Twitter page, "Thanks for all your support. And the news of me marrying to Sania is true. Inshallah will get married in April."
The bride-to-be on her part termed it as ‘the biggest day of her life.’ “I have been under constant glare of the public for too long and would appreciate more privacy at this very personal moment in my life,” Sania said. “I hope to be fully fit to represent India in the Commonwealth and Asian Games that are scheduled for later this year,” she added. Confirming the news, Malik wrote in his Twitter page, "Thanks for all your support. And the news of me marrying to Sania is true. Inshallah will get married in April."
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