Cairn India has started a second crude oil processing plant (Train II) at its Mangala oilfield in Barmer block, Rajasthan. This will help the company further ramp up its output from the block. Currently, Cairn is producing 30,000 barrels of oil/day (bopd) from its Mangala field in the block from the first processing plant (Train 1) and Bhagyam and Aishwariya are expected to go on stream next calendar year. The approved offtake rate from the Mangala (1,25,000 bopd), Bhagyam (40,000 bopd), and Aishwariya (10,000 bopd) fields adds up to 175,000 bopd. Sources told Business Line that, Train-II or the second oil processing plant was commissioned on Sunday. This has a capacity of 50,000 bopd.
Cairn will stabilise operations at Train-2 in the next few day. Currently, the crude from Mangala is being trucked to the Kandla port and then shipped to MRPL and Reliance Industries Ltd. Special heated trucks transport the crude from Barmer to the Gujarat Coast. Cairn India is in advanced stages of commissioning the 670 km heated and insulated pipeline from Barmer to the Gujarat coast.
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