The members of Gori family of Bhilwara on Wednesday evening hoisted the holy flag in Ajmer dargah to celebrate 798th Urs of Khwaja Garib Nawaz. Officially, the Urs is likely to be celebrated with the first sighting of moon either on June 13 or 14. With the hoisting of the flag , a large number of devotees will now flock to Ajmer.As per tradition, the Gori family brought the flag to hoist it on Buland Darwaja, signifying the commencement of annual Urs of Khwaja Garib Nawaz. “I have been bringing the flag since 1992. Before that, my father and grandfather used to bring the flag. My grandfather, Lal Mohammad Gori, did the job till 1944. It has been a long tradition,” said Fakhrudin Gori who headed the delegation.
With the sound of cannon fire, a large number of devotees gathered at the dargah for prayers. The Shahi Qwaal Asrar Hussian along with his group sang Sufi Qawwalis in the premises. The Dargah Bazaar, Meena Bazaar in Dhan Mandi and Nala Bazaar wore a different look as most shops were decorated with lights. Shopkeepers were trying to attract buyers for their handicrafts and colourful clothes.
With the sound of cannon fire, a large number of devotees gathered at the dargah for prayers. The Shahi Qwaal Asrar Hussian along with his group sang Sufi Qawwalis in the premises. The Dargah Bazaar, Meena Bazaar in Dhan Mandi and Nala Bazaar wore a different look as most shops were decorated with lights. Shopkeepers were trying to attract buyers for their handicrafts and colourful clothes.
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