The polling for biennial elections for four Rajya Sabha seats from Rajasthan, which will decide fate of five contestants, including Union Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma and former Union Minister Ram Jethmalani, began here today. The polling began at 0900 hrs at the booth set up in the Rajasthan Assembly complex. Ruling Congress MLA Mamta Bhupesh cast the first vote of the day followed by BJP member and former chief minister Vasundhara Raje.
The polling is scheduled to be concluded by 1600 hrs and the counting of votes will be held immediately after the voting is over. The results are expected by the evening. Besides Mr Sharma and Mr Jethmalani, former Rajasthan Minister Ask Ali Tak (Congress), former Bhilwara MP V P Singh (BJP) and former Union Minister Santosh Bagrodia (Congress-supported Independent) are also in the fray.
The polling is scheduled to be concluded by 1600 hrs and the counting of votes will be held immediately after the voting is over. The results are expected by the evening. Besides Mr Sharma and Mr Jethmalani, former Rajasthan Minister Ask Ali Tak (Congress), former Bhilwara MP V P Singh (BJP) and former Union Minister Santosh Bagrodia (Congress-supported Independent) are also in the fray.
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