BJP General Secretary and former Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje, her MP son Dushyant Singh, former External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh, his son Manvendra, former Union Minister Ram Jethmalani and legislature party Deputy leader Ghanshyam Tiwari were today made permanent invitees in the new mega size BJP state executive. The party old guards former Deputy Chief Minister Hari Shankar Bhabhra, former ministers LK Chaturvedi, Bhanwar Lal Sharma, Raghubir Singh Kaushal, KK Goyal, Gulab Chand Kataria and Rajendra Singh Rathore, sitting MPs Ramdas Agrawal and Om Prakash Mathur, former MPs Bhanu Kumar Shastri have also been inducted as permanent invitees in the executive reconstituted by the party state president Arun Chaturvedi after a gap of one year.
Three General Secretaries Satish Punia, Madan Dilawar and Srichand Kriplani and 10 state wise presidents and as many state secretaries have also been nominated in the state body. Besides this, the 257 member new team also has 102 executive members and 105 special invitees. The announcement of the new committee came after the party high command's consultations with Ms Raje and Mr Chaturvedi in New Delhi yesterday. The composition of the new state body reflects the leadership's bid to bring a balance between the Raje loyalists and the group of old guards considered to be the supporter of state president Mr Chaturvedi.
Three General Secretaries Satish Punia, Madan Dilawar and Srichand Kriplani and 10 state wise presidents and as many state secretaries have also been nominated in the state body. Besides this, the 257 member new team also has 102 executive members and 105 special invitees. The announcement of the new committee came after the party high command's consultations with Ms Raje and Mr Chaturvedi in New Delhi yesterday. The composition of the new state body reflects the leadership's bid to bring a balance between the Raje loyalists and the group of old guards considered to be the supporter of state president Mr Chaturvedi.
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