S Y Quraishi, Election Commissioner, was on Tuesday appointed the new Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) in the place of Navin Chawla, who demits office on Thursday. The notification elevating 63-year-old Quraishi as head of the three-member election body was issued on Tuesday. He will have a little less than two years in the Constitutional post. Chawla, who took over in the middle of 2009 Lok Sabha polls, headed the Commission for a little more than a year. "In pursuance of Clause 2 of Art 324 of the Constitution, the President is pleased to appoint Shri Shahabuddin Yaqub Quraishi as Chief Election Commissioner with effect from 30th July, 2010," said the Law Ministry notification.
Quraishi, a thoroughbred civil servant, will conduct assembly elections in Bihar later this year and in a bunch of states like Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Kerala and Assam next summer. "I feel deeply honoured on being entrusted with this assignment. Election Commission of India is an institution in which the nation places a great trust. It would be my utmost endeavour to prove myself worthy of this trust," Quraishi said reacting to his appointment. On the occasion, he sought the support of all stakeholders, especially the people in the discharge of his sacred duties.
A 1971-batch IAS officer, Quraishi entered the Commission in June 2006 after 35 years in the civil service in both the Centre and state levels. Prior to joining the Commission, he was Secretary in the Sports and Youth Affairs Ministry at the Centre. He had held several key positions in the government and made special contribution in the area of social sector reforms covering health, education, population, drug abuse and civil society action.
Quraishi, a thoroughbred civil servant, will conduct assembly elections in Bihar later this year and in a bunch of states like Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Kerala and Assam next summer. "I feel deeply honoured on being entrusted with this assignment. Election Commission of India is an institution in which the nation places a great trust. It would be my utmost endeavour to prove myself worthy of this trust," Quraishi said reacting to his appointment. On the occasion, he sought the support of all stakeholders, especially the people in the discharge of his sacred duties.
A 1971-batch IAS officer, Quraishi entered the Commission in June 2006 after 35 years in the civil service in both the Centre and state levels. Prior to joining the Commission, he was Secretary in the Sports and Youth Affairs Ministry at the Centre. He had held several key positions in the government and made special contribution in the area of social sector reforms covering health, education, population, drug abuse and civil society action.
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