Four Rajasthan police officials accused in the 2006 encounter of Tulsiram Prajapati, a key witness in the fake encounter of Sohrabuddin Sheikh, surrendered in the Danta court here today. ASI Narayansingh Chauhan, constables Dalpatsingh Rathod, Kartar singh Jat and Yuddhveersingh Rajaput, who were posted at Udaipur in Rajasthan were arrested after they surrendered and were sent to judicial custody by chief judicial magistrate S S Joshi. According to DySP R K Patel, investigating officer in the Prajapati encounter case, these four were shown as absconding accused in the case in the chargesheet filed last month by the state CID probing the case.
The key accused in the case include IPS officers D G Vanzara, Rajkumar Pandiyan, Dinesh M N and Vipul Agarwal, along with five lower ranking cops, who are facing charges of criminal conspiracy, murder, kidnapping, destruction of evidence and forgery.
The key accused in the case include IPS officers D G Vanzara, Rajkumar Pandiyan, Dinesh M N and Vipul Agarwal, along with five lower ranking cops, who are facing charges of criminal conspiracy, murder, kidnapping, destruction of evidence and forgery.
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