A demand for inclusion of Bhojpuri and Rajasthani languages in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution came into focus in the Lok Sabha on Monday through a calling-to-attention motion. Minister of State for Home, Ajay Makan assured the agitated House that recognition to the two languages is under the government's consideration on the basis of the report of the Sitaram Mahapatra committee report of 2004 which was set up . While the Eighth Schedule now has 22 languages recognised under the Constitution, Makan said the government has representations for inclusion of 38 other languages and the same are to be vetted under the criteria set by the Mahapatra committee.
They emphasized that Bhojpuri was the language of people not only in Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh but spoken by the migrants in a large number of states as also in 12 countries. Those speaking Bhojpuri numbered anywhere between 18 and 25 crores, they contended and stressed that the language deserved constitutional recognition, particularly because it is not only a spoken language but has a 1000-year history, literature and grammar.
Nirupam and Singh said equally important was the Rajasthani language that was the language spoken in whole of the state of Rajasthan and also by the Marwaris settled all over India. Both faulted the government for sitting over demand for including the two languages in the Schedule since after the Mahapatra report was received back in 2004. Singh pointed out that then Home Minister Shivraj Patil had assured the House to include the two languages in the schedule "soon" and his deputy Jaiswal even promised immediately, but nothing had been done to date. Pal added that Patil had agreed for including the languages in principle and as such the government should implement it.
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» Demand for Bhojpuri, Rajasthani to get official Language status
Rajasthani is one of the oldest Indian languages but so far it is not recognised in Indian constitution as official language.
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