China has overtaken US in the global supercomputing race as it has been confirmed as the creator of the world's fastest supercomputer, according to a latest survey. The Tianhe-1A, which means meaning Milky Way is capable of 2.67 quadrillions of computing operations per second, earning it the number one spot in the Top 500 list of the world's most powerful supercomputers released on Sunday. Tianhe-1A was followed by the US-made Cray XT5 "Jaguar" system at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility in Tennessee, which had held the top spot earlier.
The Jaguar performs at 1.75 quadrillions per second, 92 per cent slower than the Tianhe-1A, running Linpack, the benchmark used to officially determine the speed of supercomputers. China also occupied the third place with Nebulae, which is installed in the National Supercomputing Center in Shenzhen.
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