Heavy rains known as 'Mawat' lashed Rajasthan and northern India on Wednesday as people celebrated the festival of Eid-ul-Azha. More rains are expected till Thursday. According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), an upper cyclonic circulation over northeast Rajasthan and Uttarakhand caused the rainfall over Delhi. 'More rain is forecast till Thursday,' an IMD official said.
It was an overcast sky in the morning. The minimum temperature recorded was high -- at 18.1 degrees Celsius, it was seven notches above the average for this time of the year. 'The evening will be chilly and the maximum temperature is expected to hover around 28 degrees,' the official added. Jaipur, Ajmer and other major cities had witnessed heavy showers last week, causing a drop in temperature. This rain can be treated as Mawat for farmers in northern India including rajasthan.
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