Rajasthan Jat Mahasabha issue statement on Bainsla's Remark

Rajasthan Jat Mahasabha issue statement on Bainsla's Remark. Gujjar agitation leader Kirori Singh Bainsla’s recent remark could leads to Jat- Gujjar Clash in Rajasthan. Yesterday Bainsla told reporter that “The government should make up the 5% quota demanded by Gujjars by drawing 4% from the OBC category,”. Gujjar leader Kirori Singh Bainsla’s statement that his community’s quota demand be met by digging out 4% from the OBC’s 21% quota has irked the Jats, who are a major beneficiary of the reservation under this category. Soon after the Rajasthan high court extended the stay on 5% quota for Gujjars and three other communities for a year on Wednesday, Bainsla demanded that the state government should pull out the share of Gujjars—which he thinks is 4%—from the OBC and club it with the 1% quota given to the community as special backward class (SBC) in May this year.
The news travelled like wildfire from the Raseri rail tracks near Bayana and within hours the Rajasthan Jat Mahasabha issued a statement at Jaipur strongly objecting to Bainsla’s demand. “We will not allow division of the OBC quota at any cost. Gujjars are just 3% and they cannot be allowed to hold the 97% population of the state at ransom,” the Mahasabha’s president Raja Ram Meel reacted. Unmoved by Meel’s reaction, Bainsla launched another attack on the Jats by questioning the manner in which the latter community was included in the OBC category. As unconfirmed news travelled Raseri that the high court has denied the Gujjars even the 1% quota recently granted to them under the SBC category, Bainsla demanded to know, “Why these commissions and committees are mentioned only when Gujjars demand reservation; under which commission or committee report were the Jats given reservation?”


  1. Gujjar lost their mind.. First they got reply from meenas and now tickling OBC which includes Jat in rajasthan..God know these politicians

  2. The main thing is they are spoiling rajasthan 's image in country... normally rajasthani are known as decent and peace loving people in india......but they are shame on rajashthans image
