The residents of Jodhpur city can apply for the 247 houses to be built under the Kudi and Chaupasani housing board schemes till Friday. The allotment of the houses will be done as per the norms of the self finance scheme. Additional Commissioner O P Ojha said that 120 houses falling in the A and B category of the Middle Income Group (MIG) will be built in Kudi area. A two room flat in the area is likely cost somewhere between Rs 11 lakh and Rs 13 lakh.
Similarly, 127 two-room flats are being constructed in the 10-storey Marwad Apartment in Sector 14 of the Chaupasani Housing Board. The rate of each flat here has been fixed at Rs 18 lakh. According to Ojha, the allotment process will be completed by April. The applicants for the scheme need to submit a certain amount at the time of the registration and the remaining can be given on three-month installment basis.
Similarly, 127 two-room flats are being constructed in the 10-storey Marwad Apartment in Sector 14 of the Chaupasani Housing Board. The rate of each flat here has been fixed at Rs 18 lakh. According to Ojha, the allotment process will be completed by April. The applicants for the scheme need to submit a certain amount at the time of the registration and the remaining can be given on three-month installment basis.
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