The Rajasthan Assembly today paid rich tributes to Bharat Ratna Bhimsen Joshi, former Lok Sabha Speaker Bali Ram Bhagat, former Kerala Chief Minister K Karunakaran and former Bengal Chief Minister Sidhartha Shankar Ray. Making obituary references on the inaugural day of the budget session of the Assembly here, Speaker Deependra Singh Shekhawat recalled great contributions made by doyan vocalist Bhimsen Joshi to art and music.
He also recalled former Lok Sabha Speaker Bali Ram Bhagat's services in different posts and positions, particularly as Governor of Rajasthan. Mr Sehkhawat also lauded works and services of stalwart politician former Kerala Chief Minister Karunakaran and former Haryana Governor Mahavir Prasad. The House also condoled death of 12 other dignitaries, including former Assembly speaker Gopal Singh Bhadrajun, former Deputy Speaker Heera Singh Chauhan and former Minister Narendra Singh Bhati. The House also prayed for the victims of the stampede at the Sabarimala Temple in Kerala.
He also recalled former Lok Sabha Speaker Bali Ram Bhagat's services in different posts and positions, particularly as Governor of Rajasthan. Mr Sehkhawat also lauded works and services of stalwart politician former Kerala Chief Minister Karunakaran and former Haryana Governor Mahavir Prasad. The House also condoled death of 12 other dignitaries, including former Assembly speaker Gopal Singh Bhadrajun, former Deputy Speaker Heera Singh Chauhan and former Minister Narendra Singh Bhati. The House also prayed for the victims of the stampede at the Sabarimala Temple in Kerala.
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