Census 2011:Population of Uttar Pradesh is 20 Crore

Uttar Pradesh(UP) (20 Crore) is the most populous State in the country - population is more than the population of Brazil. Population of Uttar Pradesh as per Census 2011 is 199581477(Approx 20 Crore) which is much higher than Census 2011 data which show 16.6 Crore population of the state. Uttar Pradesh is also having 29.7 children in the 0-6 years age group. Meanwhile India's new national census has put the population at about 1.21 billion people, or 17% of the world population, the census commissioner said.The population comprising 623.7 million males and 586.5 million females is almost equal to the combined population of the United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Japan put together. The population has increased by more than 181 million during the decade 2001-2011, the report said. The growth rate in 2011 is 17.64 per cent in comparison to 21.15 per cent in 2001.


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