European Union (EU) launches water project in Barmer

The European Union (EU) Ambassador to India, DaniŠle Smadja today visited the village of Malion ki Dhani in Barmer District, Rajasthan, to launch a project on water, co-financed by the EU. Daniele Smadja, Ambassador and Head of the EU delegation, arrived here to launch the project -- ''Poverty Reduction of Desert Communities in the Dry Lands of Western Rajasthan through Integrated Community Based Water Resource Management''. She also visited ''Maliyon ki Dhani'', one of the villages under the project. To be implemented by the JBF, this project will focus on reducing the vulnerability of the poor in the water-scarce Marwar region. Smadja said the EU will be supporting this project for a period of 48 months ending in December 2014, which will be directly benefiting 80 villages of water-scarce desert districts Barmer, Jalore and Jaisalmer.
The overall budget allocated to this project is Euro 1.1 million, of which 90 per cent will be contributed by the EU. "The project aims at developing integrated water resource management models and disseminating knowledge about water sector reform," said Kanupriya Harish, Project Director of the JBF.

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