RTET 2011 Exam by Rajasthan Board, Ajmer

Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test[RTET] 2011 Exam, recently included by Rajasthan govt before appearing in Tearcher's exam by RPSC Ajmer. RTET Exam 2011 to be held by BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION RAJASTHAN, AJMER. Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education will conduct the Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) on May 22 this year and candidates will be able to register for the examination online till April 18. Announcing the schedule of TET, chairman of the board Subhash Garg said that they will start the preparation from March 31 and try to announce the result on June 15.
RTET 2011 Exam Dates:
1. On Line App. and Bank Challan From 31-03-2011
2. Submission App.Form to Coll.Centre From 31-03 to 18-04-11
3. Announcement of Result August 2011
For more details visit: http://rtet2011.com/

Rajasthan TET Exam 2011 Result annouced on 28 August 2011


  1. dear sir
    plz inform me RTET exam result 2011 is declare or no plz ans me
    my emailId is vipul.shah805@gmail.com
    your thankfully
    vipul shah

  2. please send rtet exam date to jahan.jahanzeenat@625gmail.com

  3. Since when RTET exam ?
    Pl send me any type information and exam date. my email ID is srathore35@gmail.com and srathore9535@yahoo.in
    thanking to you

  4. please send rtet result

  5. social study

  6. RPSC Second (IInd) Grade Teacher Study Material

    RPSC द्वितीय श्रेणी शिक्षक अध्ययन सामग्री


  7. RPSC IInd Grade Teacher Exam Study Material
    RPSC द्वितीय श्रेणी शिक्षक परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री

  8. i forget my roll no chalan no nd application no of rtet plz tell how to see my result
