Twelve people were killed and 32 others injured when a vehicle rammed into a tree in Jagdishpur area in CSM Nagar (Amethi), police said on Tuesday. The incident happened at Saresar village late last night when the vehicle carrying around 50 passengers rammed into a tree, killing 10 people on the spot, authorities said.
While two persons succumbed to injuries at the hospital later, 18 others have been referred to trauma center at Lucknow as their condition was stated serious, they said. The victims, all residents of Shukul Bazar area, were returning from a ritual in Pratapgarh, they said.
While two persons succumbed to injuries at the hospital later, 18 others have been referred to trauma center at Lucknow as their condition was stated serious, they said. The victims, all residents of Shukul Bazar area, were returning from a ritual in Pratapgarh, they said.
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