Sanjay Dutt was slapped with a warrant by a local court in UP for making inflammatory speeches during his campaign for Samajwadi Party way back in year 2009 on Saturday. Judicial Magistrate Krishna Kumar issued the warrant against Dutt after he failed to appear before the court despite repeated summons and a bailable warrant, prosecution officials said. A case was lodged against Dutt, who was then national general secretary of Samajwadi Party, in April 2009 for making some controversial remarks while campaigning in favour of the party candidate Arshad Jamal. "When I was in police custody I was given third degree by them because my mother was a Muslim,” Dutt had allegedly said during a speech in Mau district in April 2009.
Dutt, had alleged that the police routinely harass Muslims. "They extract convictions from you (Muslims); they beat you up. They (police) told me my mother was a Muslim and my father was a Hindu. They made me sign on papers. TADA can finish anyone," he alleged. Despite repeated summons when the actor did not appeared before the court a bailable warrant was issued on March 26 this year, they said. The court also issued summon against SP candidate and co-accused in the case Jamal and directed Superintendent of Police and DIG of Azamgarh to serve the same through city inspector. The court said if report on serving summon was not submitted on the next date of hearing on July 8 action would be taken against the inspector.
Dutt, had alleged that the police routinely harass Muslims. "They extract convictions from you (Muslims); they beat you up. They (police) told me my mother was a Muslim and my father was a Hindu. They made me sign on papers. TADA can finish anyone," he alleged. Despite repeated summons when the actor did not appeared before the court a bailable warrant was issued on March 26 this year, they said. The court also issued summon against SP candidate and co-accused in the case Jamal and directed Superintendent of Police and DIG of Azamgarh to serve the same through city inspector. The court said if report on serving summon was not submitted on the next date of hearing on July 8 action would be taken against the inspector.
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