Rajasthan Police on Sunday seized close to 100 kg of cocaine, reportedly worth around Rs 100 crore, from Alwar. The police said it was the largest haul in the district. The police raided a house in Lalli village on Sunday and confiscated 46 drums of narcotics substances, including four drums of cocaine and what they suspect as Epidrin in the remaining containers. The Special Operations Group took over the case on Monday suspecting the narcotics were brought from outside the country and were meant to be supplied abroad.
Superintendent of Police Mahesh Goyal told reporters here today that the seizure was made during a raid conducted under the leadership of probationer IPS Assistant Superintendent of Police Preeti on a tip-off on June 19. However, the identity of the contraband was confirmed now after due testing at the Forensic Science Laboratory at Jaipur, Mr Goyal said. He said during the action at the premises of one person named Gillu, police raiding party had found 95 Kg of white powder, suspected to be cocaine stored in four containers and 1272 Kg white crystalline substance used in processing of narcotic drugs, stocked in 46 drums. The samples were sent to the FSL Jaipur and test report had now confirmed that power was cocaine and the crystalline substance was used in process of narcotic drugs. The trafficking of the drugs was said to have links in Andhra Pradesh too, the SP said.
Superintendent of Police Mahesh Goyal told reporters here today that the seizure was made during a raid conducted under the leadership of probationer IPS Assistant Superintendent of Police Preeti on a tip-off on June 19. However, the identity of the contraband was confirmed now after due testing at the Forensic Science Laboratory at Jaipur, Mr Goyal said. He said during the action at the premises of one person named Gillu, police raiding party had found 95 Kg of white powder, suspected to be cocaine stored in four containers and 1272 Kg white crystalline substance used in processing of narcotic drugs, stocked in 46 drums. The samples were sent to the FSL Jaipur and test report had now confirmed that power was cocaine and the crystalline substance was used in process of narcotic drugs. The trafficking of the drugs was said to have links in Andhra Pradesh too, the SP said.
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