A 20-year-old man, suspected to be involved in a robbery, died in police custody in Rajasthan's Pali district during interrogation, an official said Wednesday. Five police officials were suspended and 16 removed from duty. Rahul Kumar had been rounded up on suspicion of involvement in a robbery late Tuesday and taken to the Guda Engla police station in Pali. According to a police officer, a robbery had taken place in the area and police inspector Bharat Devasi and four other policemen, on duty at a checkpost, detained Rahul when they saw him roaming around suspiciously. Rahul, who hails from Pali and belongs to a Dalit family, was taken to the police station and interrogated. "He was suddenly rushed to a hospital in Jodhpur town. He was declared brought dead by the doctors," said the officer. He added that the postmortem was yet to be conducted. "If there is any atrocity, it will be known only after we get the postmortem report. A judicial magistrate will investigate the death," the officer said.
Pali's Superintendent of Police Ajay Pal ordered suspension of the police inspector and four other policemen who were on duty at the checkpost. The entire staff of the Guda Engla police station was also removed. Rahul's family have approached the district collector, alleging he died of torture. They said he was not involved in any crime.
Pali's Superintendent of Police Ajay Pal ordered suspension of the police inspector and four other policemen who were on duty at the checkpost. The entire staff of the Guda Engla police station was also removed. Rahul's family have approached the district collector, alleging he died of torture. They said he was not involved in any crime.
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