Rajasthan high court on Tuesday criticised the state government on the issue of the kidnapping and suspected murder of government nurse and folk artist Bhanwari Devi. While hearing the petition of Amar Chand Nat, Bhanwari's husband, the Jodhpur Bench of the high court termed the state government "a total failure" and said such a "worthless government has never been seen in the history of Rajasthan". The high court will now monitor the case every alternate day. The court also commented adversely on the role of home minister Shanti Dhariwal. It said that the police wanted to investigate the matter objectively, but there was pressure from the home ministry. The court also ruled out the need of probe by the Central Bureau of Investigation in the matter. "If the case is still not solved, the matter will be investigated under the supervision of the court," the court ruled. The next hearing of the case is on October 13.
Meanwhile, police investigations have revealed that contractor Sohenlal, whom Bhanwari considered her brother, had called the nurse to Bilada. She was asked to sit in Shahabuddin’s Bolero. She was assaulted in the SUV by both the men and later dumped on the back seat in an unconscious state. The details emerged after officials from the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) scanned Shahbuddin’s Bolero was recovered from Kanodar village near Banaskantha district, Gujarat, a few days ago. The FSL team, comprising Dr Vijendra Singh Shekhawat, Vikram Singh and Bhawani Singh, analysed the vehicle and found blood stains, scalp hair, finger prints and other clues from the car.
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