The husband of missing nurse Bhanwari Devi Wednesday tried to escape the quizzing by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) sleuths in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, but was overpowered and subjected to intense questioning, sources said. According to CBI sources, Bhanwari Devi's husband Amar Chand was at the CBI questioning centre for interrogation, but after a few hours, tried to run away from the place, reportedly because he was unable to reply to some tough questions. "Amar Chand attempted to run away, but he was immediately overpowered. But he never cooperated during the rest of the questioning session," an official said.
Amar Chand was not arrested despite his attempt to flee. Bhanwari Devi has been missing since Sep 1. Amar Chand has claimed that she has been kidnapped at the behest of sacked Rajasthan minister Mahipal Maderna, who allegedly featured in a CD showing the two in a compromising position.
Amar Chand was not arrested despite his attempt to flee. Bhanwari Devi has been missing since Sep 1. Amar Chand has claimed that she has been kidnapped at the behest of sacked Rajasthan minister Mahipal Maderna, who allegedly featured in a CD showing the two in a compromising position.
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