President Pratibha Patil, Vice-President Hamid Ansari and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh greeted the nation on the auspicious occasion of Holi. "Holi is a festival of colours that heralds joy, hope and fulfilment in our lives," Patil said in her message. "Like the colours of a rainbow, that are different yet together they reflect beauty, may this festival bring together all the colours of India's diversity in a rainbow of unity," she said. Observing that the festival marks the onset of spring, Ansari, in a statement, said, "I extend my hearty greetings and good wishes to the citizens of our country on the auspicious occasion of Holi, the festival of colours." "May this colourful festival bring peace and happiness and promote national integration," the Vice-President said.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in his message said the "festival of colours" is a part of the country's rich and diverse cultural heritage and is associated with the celebration of brotherhood and harmony. "Let the spontaneity and liveliness of this spring festival yet again affirm togetherness of our multi-cultural nation," Singh said.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in his message said the "festival of colours" is a part of the country's rich and diverse cultural heritage and is associated with the celebration of brotherhood and harmony. "Let the spontaneity and liveliness of this spring festival yet again affirm togetherness of our multi-cultural nation," Singh said.
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