IPS officer Ajay Singh and Assistant Sub-Inspector Prem Singh, arrested for allegedly demanding bribe, were on Friday remanded in judicial custody till June 30. They were produced before the Additional District Judge Umashankar in Ajmer, who send them to 8 days in judicial custody. Ajay, a 2009-batch IPS officer, was arrested by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) while on run to escape arrest. He was fleeing to his hometown in Bharatpur district from Ajmer.
One Bhawani Singh had lodged a complaint with the ACB in Ajmer that Assistant Sub Inspector Prem Singh posted with Ramganj police station was demanding bribe from him for shielding him in a criminal case. The IPS officer was investigating a case of fraud by a marketing company and five persons were arrested in connection with that case in Ajmer. The ASI told the ACB team that the IPS officer pressurised him to demand Rs 2 lakh as bribe from Bhawani for not making him an accused in the case, police claimed. "One Bhanwani Singh, an agent of a multi-level marketing company, gave us complaint against the Assistant SP Ajay Singh and ASI Prem Singh on March 14. Since then, we were collecting evidences against them," ACB source said.
One Bhawani Singh had lodged a complaint with the ACB in Ajmer that Assistant Sub Inspector Prem Singh posted with Ramganj police station was demanding bribe from him for shielding him in a criminal case. The IPS officer was investigating a case of fraud by a marketing company and five persons were arrested in connection with that case in Ajmer. The ASI told the ACB team that the IPS officer pressurised him to demand Rs 2 lakh as bribe from Bhawani for not making him an accused in the case, police claimed. "One Bhanwani Singh, an agent of a multi-level marketing company, gave us complaint against the Assistant SP Ajay Singh and ASI Prem Singh on March 14. Since then, we were collecting evidences against them," ACB source said.
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