In a shameful incident a married woman and her paramour were tied to a tree, stripped half-naked and severely beaten up for nearly three hours before a crowd of 1,000 people under orders of a caste panchayat at Sarada area in Udaipur district of Rajasthan. Rajasthan government ordered an inquiry into Sunday’s shocking incident of a caste panchayat in the predominantly Adivasi area in Udaipur stripping a woman and beating her lover after tying them to trees. The Meena panchayat of Sarada tehsil’s Limbathada in Kolar village carried out its decision after forcing the police to make a hasty retreat under heavy stone-throwing. “This is shocking. Whatever the reason, nobody will be allowed to take the law into their own hands,” said Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, who ordered an inquiry by the Udaipur Divisional Commissioner. “The law will take its own course,” he said, talking to journalists in Udaipur.
The woman's fault was that she had an extra-marital relationship with a man from the neighbourhood and eloped with him. The couple had run away but were brought back by their families and put on trial before the village body. When the police tried to save them, they were pelted with stones. The situation is still said to be tense but the police say the couple is in their safe custody. Now comes the Million $ question How could a caste based Panchayats get power to decide the fate of a Woman, even after 60 years of Independence, is it All about caste based Politics or Failure of system specially in Rural India.
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