Heavy Rain in jaipur from last night reported six people dead in various rain related accidents in Jaipur. As per report Two children were killed in a wall collapse due to the heavy rains in the city while four more reported dead in rain today. The Rajasthan Armed Constabulary has been called in for relief and rescue operations. Schools in the city were declared closed for the day. The state capital of Rajasthan received 160 mm rainfall on Wednesday morning.
Heavy rains, that began lashing the city from 11 p.m. Tuesday, were estimated at 160 mm Wednesday morning. With the rains continuing for nearly four hours, people spent a sleepless night as water gushed into their houses, damaging belongings. In several slum areas, people were forced to take shelter on rooftops. Commissioner of Police B.L. Soni said the rains had so far claimed four lives. "Two people were electrocuted in Sodala, while two children were reportedly swept away in Ghat Ki Guni," the officer said. Soni said police were being rushed to the affected areas. Mayor Jyoti Khandelwal told reporters that markets in the walled city and the slum areas in Jawahar Nagar, Shashtri Nagar and Sodala were the worst-affected.
Heavy rains, that began lashing the city from 11 p.m. Tuesday, were estimated at 160 mm Wednesday morning. With the rains continuing for nearly four hours, people spent a sleepless night as water gushed into their houses, damaging belongings. In several slum areas, people were forced to take shelter on rooftops. Commissioner of Police B.L. Soni said the rains had so far claimed four lives. "Two people were electrocuted in Sodala, while two children were reportedly swept away in Ghat Ki Guni," the officer said. Soni said police were being rushed to the affected areas. Mayor Jyoti Khandelwal told reporters that markets in the walled city and the slum areas in Jawahar Nagar, Shashtri Nagar and Sodala were the worst-affected.
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