Raksha Bandhan, the festival that reaffirms the treasured bond of love and care between brothers and sisters, was celebrated on Thursday across the country with traditional fervour and gaiety. Feasting, merry-making and exchange of gifts marked the the day as sisters, dressed in their fineries, applied 'tilak' on their brothers' foreheads and tied 'rakhis' on their wrists, praying for their happiness and prosperity. The President, Vice President and Prime Minister have greeted the nation on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan being celebrated on Thursday.
President Pranab Mukherjee in his message said, "On the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, I extend my greetings and good wishes to my fellow citizens in India and abroad." He said Raksha Bandhan is the celebration of the unique relationship that exists between brothers and sisters and the tying of a Rakhi symbolises love, affection and mutual trust between sisters and brothers. Vice President Hamid Ansari in his message said, "Rakshabandhan signifies the protective bond between brothers and sisters and the celebration of this festival plays an important role in spreading the message of unity and harmony in our society." He called upon people to follow the ideals associated with the festival to promote the spirit of amity, harmony and goodwill. In his greetings to the people of the nation, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called for celebrating the joyous occasion to strengthen the bonds of love and affection in family and society. "We should use this occasion to promote peace, harmony and brotherhood in our country," he said
President Pranab Mukherjee in his message said, "On the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, I extend my greetings and good wishes to my fellow citizens in India and abroad." He said Raksha Bandhan is the celebration of the unique relationship that exists between brothers and sisters and the tying of a Rakhi symbolises love, affection and mutual trust between sisters and brothers. Vice President Hamid Ansari in his message said, "Rakshabandhan signifies the protective bond between brothers and sisters and the celebration of this festival plays an important role in spreading the message of unity and harmony in our society." He called upon people to follow the ideals associated with the festival to promote the spirit of amity, harmony and goodwill. In his greetings to the people of the nation, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called for celebrating the joyous occasion to strengthen the bonds of love and affection in family and society. "We should use this occasion to promote peace, harmony and brotherhood in our country," he said
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