Rajasthan Government hiked the dearness allowance (DA) of state employees by 7 per cent, benefiting nearly seven lakh employees and three lakh pensioners and costing Rs 875 crore additional burden to the exchequer. The DA has been increased from 65 per cent to 72 per cent of the basic pay, effective from July. It will be at par with the DA of the central government employees, according to an official. The Dearness Relief (DR) for pensioners has also been increased by 7 per cent to 72 per cent of the basic pension from July.
The Arrears on account of the increased D.A. from 1st July, 2012 to 30th September, 2012 would be credited in the GPF accounts of the employees while hiked D.A. would be paid in cash from October 1st, 2012. The state government has also increased the Dearness Relief (D.R.) for pensioners by 7% and it would be 72 percent of the basic pension from July 1st, 2012. The increased D.R. would be paid to the pensioners and family pensioners in cash. The hike in D.A. would cost the state exchequer Rs. 875 crore additional annually. Nearly 7 lakh employees and 3 lakh pensioners would be benefitted by this decision of the state government.
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