Arvind Kejriwal today accused Robert Vadra, husband of Priyanka Gandhi and son-in-law of Congress chief Sonia Gandhi, of corruption and providing illegal benefits to real estate company DLF. Addressing a press conference here, Kejriwal said Vadra purchased over Rs 300 crore worth of properties over the past four years, whose worth today is over Rs 500 crore. “Vadra purchased these properties with the help of a Rs 65 crore worth unsecured, interest-free loan which too was provided by DLF,” former Team Anna member Kejriwal alleged. Accusing Vadra of getting Rs 65 crore as unsecured loan from DLF, Kejriwal said that he used the money to buy properties owned by the same company at rock bottom prices. Kejriwal blamed the Congress governments of Haryana, Delhi and Rajasthan of shielding Vadra and DLF. Pointing that the income of Vadra grew from Rs 50 lakh to Rs 300 crore, Kejriwal raised a demand to probe the benefits DLF received for "helping" the husband of Priyanka Gandhi. The Congress party rejected the allegations as "baseless". Kejriwal, who was the key strategist of a movement for a strong Lokpal bill, last week made his political debut with a party, whose name is to be announced next month. Prashant Bhushan, his father Shanti and Manish Sisodia are the other key members of his party.
ReplyDeleteI have been posting about Robert Vadra’s illgotten DLF millions more than 2 years ago. We all know what his father Rajinder Wadhera was worth and what he did.
His own class mates tell about his poor financial condition in school.
Latest ones are --
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Poor priyanka— she was unlike her “not so bright” brother. Uncle Quatrocchi pushed her into a hole by introducing her to Robert in his house.
Capt ajit vadakayil