Rajasthan High Court (HC) on Saturday ordered that the aspirants who have scored less than 55% marks in the Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) are not eligible for appointment in the 3rd Grade Teachers recruitment process. The court also ordered that if a candidate has taken the benefit of reservation before the recruitment process, he can be considered as a candidate in general category, but if, a candidate has availed benefit of reservation in the recruitment process, then he cannot be considered under the general category.
This is a huge setback for aspirants who are scoring less than 55 percent in RTET exams. Court has directed the government and asked not to appoint those who have scored less than 55 percent in the RTET examinations. Rajasthan Govt. must once again review its recruitment policies as HC Stay, Petitions, recruitment policies changes, Delay in posting, Cancellation of exam, change of merit list are daily scenario which not only impact image of Government but also put candidates career on hold.
This is a huge setback for aspirants who are scoring less than 55 percent in RTET exams. Court has directed the government and asked not to appoint those who have scored less than 55 percent in the RTET examinations. Rajasthan Govt. must once again review its recruitment policies as HC Stay, Petitions, recruitment policies changes, Delay in posting, Cancellation of exam, change of merit list are daily scenario which not only impact image of Government but also put candidates career on hold.
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