Corporate affairs minister & Ajmer MP Sachin Pilot on Sunday said the Centre would not hesitate to bring in another loan waiver scheme for farmers if there was a need and that the government would protect the interests of farmers and poor. Pilot was addressing a big gathering of farmers, largely Gujjars, in Gurgaon after unveiling his father Rajesh Pilot's statue along with Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda. Addressing a 'Kisan Sammelan' in this satellite city on the occasion of his late father Rajesh Pilot's 68th birth anniversary, Pilot listed the "pro-farmer and pro-people" initiatives taken by the Congress-led coalition in the past eight years. "We have always stood for the welfare of farmers. We know their importance and that is why the UPA Government during its previous tenure brought the Rs 70,000-crore farm loan waiver scheme. It helped lakhs of farmers in the country who have been struggling to pay back their loans," he said.
He was speaking after Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda unveiled a statue of late Rajesh Pilot in Sector 55 on the Golf Course Road. Hooda also renamed the stretch as Rajesh Pilot Road. Rajesh Pilot, who died in a road accident in Rajasthan in 2000, had represented Dausa and Bharatpur constituencies in Parliament. Pilot also said Congress was the only party which gives importance to "youth power" and cited Rahul Gandhi's elevation as Vice-President as an instance of how the youth are rewarded in the party. Sachin Pilot said villages should be the centre of development and that the country cannot progress unless 6.5 lakh villages in the country sees development.
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