The sudden change in weather in Jaipur and several parts of rajasthan due to western disturbance affected normal life in Rajasthan. Light to moderate rainfall lashed several parts of Rajasthan including Jaipur, Pilani, Vanasthali, Bikaner, Jhalawar, Ajmer and Jodhpur recorded moderate rainfall on Saturday. The rainfall has brought down day temperature by a few notches whereas night temperatures remained around normal, a Met official said. The Met department officials said it was one of the coldest day temperature recorded in this season. The department predicts that cold conditions would remain the same for a couple of days. Hailstorm threw life out of gear in some areas of Jagatpura and Durgapura in the city. Huge damage to crops was reported in Alwar, Pratapgarh, Nagaur and Chittorgarh districts due to hailstorm.
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