BJP accused Rajasthan Chief Minister (CM) Ashok Gehlot of "buying Likes" from Istanbul for his official Facebook page to project his popularity. Calling it a social media scam, BJP spokesperson Jyoti Kiran said Gehlot's Facebook page, operated by a dedicated tech team, had 1,69,077 'Likes' until June 1, with the highest number of 'Likes' coming in the week of May 5. However, the number jumped to 2,14,639 by June 30, which also overtook May 5 as the most popular week, Kiran said. Until June 1, Gehlot's 'most popular city', a feature that shows where most followers come from, was Jaipur. But after the jump in 'Likes', it changed to Istanbul, she claimed. "Some IT companies are in the business of selling 'Likes' in a false impression of one's popularity," Kiran said and questioned how Gehlot was being so talked about in Istanbul. Gehlot, she alleged, had bought 'Likes' from IT firms in Istanbul.
Congress spokesperson Archana Sharma trashed the allegation. "The CM is a popular figure and he does not need to stoop to that level. 'Likes' on Facebook can come from anywhere, even the United States. What is so suspicious about it?" she said. There are definately something goes wrong on Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot's facebook page Rajasthan , you can check Istanbul is most popular city on his profile and surprisenly now likes are belowe 2 Lakh on morning on 11th July 2013 :)
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