Pooja Bhatt, currently shooting for BAD with Randeep Hooda and Richa Chadda in Udaipur, has alleged that Udaipur SP, Hariprasad Sharma, got abusive with her film crew and manhandled them. Bhatt tweeted, "Horrific day in Udaipur today. The SP of Udaipur,Hariprasad Sharma barged onto our set,manhandled my unit and got extremely abusive." She further wrote, "Why did the SP Udaipur behave in such an obnoxious manner? Because he was asked to wait for precisely 5 mins while we canned a shot." SP Hariprasad Sharma said, some of the unit members misbehaved with him when he tried to enter his office this morning. "I told them that this is my office, and you have not taken permission for this. I have not abused anyone personally. I only said that you are interrupting Govt’s work", the SP said.
The shooting for the movie has been suspended. Pooja Bhatt's film Bad is based on the life and times of serial killer Charles Sobhraj, in which Randeep Hooda is playing the lead role. Directed by Prawaal Raman, of Darna Mana Hai fame, the film also stars Richa Chadha, who shot to fame with Gangs of Wasseypur. The central story of the film will revolve around how Sobhraj managd to escape from Delhi's high-security Tihar jail in 1986.
The shooting for the movie has been suspended. Pooja Bhatt's film Bad is based on the life and times of serial killer Charles Sobhraj, in which Randeep Hooda is playing the lead role. Directed by Prawaal Raman, of Darna Mana Hai fame, the film also stars Richa Chadha, who shot to fame with Gangs of Wasseypur. The central story of the film will revolve around how Sobhraj managd to escape from Delhi's high-security Tihar jail in 1986.
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